prenatal obesity

this article is talking about my favorite topic FOOD! they are talking about how obesity began before birth, and they are fining solutions to prevent it. innocent children can die to careless women who don't eat healthy while caring their children. there is a choice you can eat to little and have a tiny undersized baby or a big but oversize baby! its not fair mothers have so much responsibility and problems on their hands. but hey that mean we have to care and be very careful and not careless. how ever a women feel about themselves don't mean they should put their child in jeopardy and causing them to be as unhealthy as you! i believe the health of little Young children should be taking more heed to then they are. shopping markets should not have so many junk food and candy as a choice for children to get. if they care so much of their citizens and their state they would put these things into consideration. sometimes i think this world is all about money. everywhere i look the...