Is Love not enough?
How do you know when you are made to love? Is it when there is a firey feeling inside when you are happy? or is it when you don't feel loved and decide to express it to another? According to Mark Manson , in Love Is Not Enough , love is a choice. Love is not a feeling and it is not to be idolized. Mark mentioned that is not a guaranteed compatibility. We can love something that is unhealthy for us (Hamburgers, McDonald's, Fatty acids), but just because we love it doesn't mean it is good for you. Mark mentions to use your heart and mind when making mating decisions, not just your heart. God says to use wisdom in all things, proverbs 4:7 , and wisdom is more precious than rubies and gold. Mark mentioned the harm in idolizing love and not understanding what it means to know how love looks. He mentioned to look at your compatibility partner like how to look at what you would put up with a friend January 15th,2018 "But li...