
Showing posts from February 5, 2008

Till' children do us part?

Marriage is thought to be a time for commitment and settling down. women may view it as they found the right one or their other half (well that's how i view it anyway) So if marriage is perceived as a commitment, why do i see or hear of divorce after 2 years? why are there divorces anyway? Studies have shown that 50% of marriages end in divorce. Although divorce rates are dropping i still see a positive end that at least their are a percentage of couples considering marriage. Wow, isn't children suppose to be the best part for starting a family? After you get married you have your "extravagant" hunnie-moon and then you pop out a few kids. Whoop-Dee-do, now you have a family! OK, if it is that simple then why is there a picture of a baby ruining a wedding? I mean the baby is cute and all, and the cake looks struptious (even though the picture is black and white), but i don't think a wedding would turn out so good if your child attacked the cake before you can