Love VS. Used

Before you read this I want you to think to yourself what does it mean to love? What do you think love is and if you believe in it are you treating others that way? Love can be very opinionated but it is only one true definition! Seek first what you believe it to be, find out if your definition of love is helping people or hurting them? Is it selfish love or is it love that can last a life time? This article love that can last a lifetime? by the Huffpost can help you pin point some ideas, and this scenario can to... While a man was polishing his new car, his 6 yr old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car. In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times; not realizing he was using a wrench. At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father.....with painful eyes he asked, 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?' The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kick...