Till' children do us part?

Marriage is thought to be a time for commitment and settling down. women may view it as they found the right one or their other half (well that's how i view it anyway) So if marriage is perceived as a commitment, why do i see or hear of divorce after 2 years? why are there divorces anyway? Studies have shown that 50% of marriages end in divorce. Although divorce rates are dropping i still see a positive end that at least their are a percentage of couples considering marriage.

Wow, isn't children suppose to be the best part for starting a family? After you get married you have your "extravagant" hunnie-moon and then you pop out a few kids. Whoop-Dee-do, now you have a family! OK, if it is that simple then why is there a picture of a baby ruining a wedding? I mean the baby is cute and all, and the cake looks struptious (even though the picture is black and white), but i don't think a wedding would turn out so good if your child attacked the cake before you can get to it. And look at the newly weds they are on the floor. This picture do not represent a pleasant wedding. i didn't read the article yet (as of typing this), but this picture caught my eye. I thought it was really cute until I saw the newly weds on the floor and looked at the title a couple of times. Aww poor thing lets not hope that this article is not talking about children causing parents to divorce, then people will maybe start reevaluating their family plans hmm maybe that is a good thing.

Great, so the article is talking about what I was hoping it wasn't going to talk about. But  there are some good news and some bad news. People always suggest bad news first, so the bad news is that researchers has concluded that over 25% of marital status rates drop once entered into parenthood. the good news is that marriages are likely to not divorce once both are on an agreement and not ambivalent to parenthood. It is best to first talk about it and start a family when both spouses are ready, then there will be a balance. Researchers also said marital couples are better when they maintain their jobs and join marital support groups. It is also good for the family if the couples engage in school activities with the children (the happier the couple are, the happier and successful the child will become).


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