What a women wants (blog 2)

This article was very interesting to me. my teacher wanted us to explain a concept. According to www.dictionary.com a concept is a general notion or idea. the notion of this article was what a woman wants. I think DANIEL BERGNE, the communist, got his answer when he interviews chives and she proclaimed she felt like a pioneer near the edge of a rain forest. it seem like to me that women want that sin-cation that feeling that no other can give to them; the lust and sexual intercourse from a man.

This article was a surprise to me when survey's proved that the female became more aroused then men when they did a testing to see who will get aroused first. They tested different sexuality: homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual, and gave them a skit to look at with different sexualities making out. they had more arousel with the women with women then any other sexuality! this shocked the hell out of me! This goes to show how the world is adapting to change and is beginning to like it. I alsol thought males are more prone to have sexual thoughts more quicker then females, (goes to show how much i really know!) wow!

hmm and what do women want? For me, being a women I even get confused as to what we want. Well in particular, I no what I want, but speaking to such a large group its hard to divide them all up. For me, women can be confusing, they seem to want more and more the more they get the more they seem to want. For instance, my mom, I no what she wants but sometimes she can get greedy! I mean, I no she deserve the best for being the greatest mom I have met yet, but wow, the Christmas gifts get pricier every year. I just sit to myself and say: "wow, she think im going to be a millionaire in the future?" Unfortunately they may not recognize their greed until they are being confronted with it.


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