Arguing a position "Women health ungagged" (blog 3)

I think it is great that the gag rule is being ungaged. i cant believe it took this long to pay more attention to better access on contraceptives and programs to help young teens make safer and healthier choices and for Congress and the president to follow-up on what they say they will do. how dare Ronald Reagan barr health care provider from giving planning assistance for woman who want abortion. i think young teens should have been educated (such as 12 &13) on the topic of having babies and protective sex so they will be knowledgable on the topic. some parents may dont believe in talking to their kids about sex. the kids like what they hear from adults, see on tv, and therefore they mimic them. children cant help what they dont know and what they are exposed to. i do not agree with Reagans decision. and if Clinton want to lift something i think he should follow-up on what he say he will do. the longer you wait the worse the situation can get and the less help the adolescents can receive when a problem, or stuggle come about. basically what i am saying is that regardless as social class, how much money you make, etc., every problemed adolescent should have access to help when they need it. whether people may think its the parents fault, the child shouldnt have been doing this and that, or what ever people may say. everyone need to remember this: you never know what is going on in peoples mind, whether they are going through emotional distress, they want to feel loved, the parents are to busy to really pay attention and assume everthing is ok with their child. it is only fair to help the young who dont know and dont understand. i am glad that Obama is ungagging this and is hopfully giving young adults a chance to make healthier decisions. i hope that this will finally come to a foundation and a final decision to allow child abortion and health programs and family assistance with young adults who make choices to have sex before they are married and prepare them, so they will be careful and cautious next time.


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