Love Diseases Going viral
What is an STD? A STD is a sexually transmitted disease, some are curable and some are not. Studies have shown that it is becoming more and more difficult to keep up with all the new and different diseases that are introduced everyday. According to the Center Disease Control there are nearly 20 million cases of reported yearly and most of them are chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis B virus (HBV), genital herpes, HIV, human papillomavirus (HPV), syphilis and trichomoniasis.
We may never wonder how a person can fall in love with someone who can harm your health, mind body, and soul. -Unknown
We all say we "love" and that is why we go through so much with our partner friend etc, but is love the only motivation? what about our dignity? sanity? protection? We dont want to confuse love with other needs and wants....
Hearing about the controversies with famous couples, it is clear that we may never know who can betray us and harm us. The signs may never be obvious or prevalent and even reachable.
The controversies with famous couples are everywhere, their lives are private and no one may know the truth behind the stories they tell and what others may think to 'leak" out.
According to Usher STD rumor it is UNDETERMINED if the illegibly accused celebrity gave someone herpes.
It is also proven scientifically that it cannot be determined who the sexually transmitted disease came from if there was not semen found in the partners body and if the body was not tested right away. Accusations is just talk until proven guilty.

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