A chip!? When, where, why, how?


So lets talk about that chip! Toujors the Rebel and I had a discussion about the discovery of the chip, when it started, what was the possible reasoning of being developed and how it might be used in the future. There were many 'what ifs' floating around the Country about it. But now, it seems that it is legitimately being used. Many research has found that it is being used just the same as computers and cell phones but it might be used for other things such as buying food, storing personal information and having a job. The service company was founded in 1989 by a few technology savvy people. 

Toujors believed that it might be a conspiracy and will be used to control people. She believed if you have the life skills already you wont need a microchip. She referred to it as the 'mark of the beast' Revelations 13. This chip is surgically inserted under the skin and can only be removed by a surgeon. The chip is the same mechanism used in cell phones and computers and therefore releases similar radioactive waves. These are the same waves believed to cause Cancer and other health issues. There was also some benefits found with the chip such as convenience, easier accessibility and an over all more fulfilled life. 
The question is when will the chip be used world wide? Why was it created? Will it be an option to use or mandatory? How will the chip effect our overall life in general? Only time will tell.....

Check out full live discussion below๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

                         ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ’ฌClick for live discussion here


  1. Thats very creepy, but it would be easier to use, I mean to use a chip would be less to keep up with. The question is how can it effect our skin and itsnt the radiation not good for our organs?

  2. The chip is the mark of the beast! It is here now with us. We can choose it so that we can buy and sell. Sell our soul, or we can get our own market and sell from our own farm and store, your choice! Dont let life pass you by not knowing which one you chose. DOnt fall for the matrix, watch the movie and see what its about! The red or blue pill is what it say. But GOD says choose whom you will serve today. This chip is giving you a choice on who to choose!


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