Get put on! "A plug magazine" on the rise

 I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.   -Maya Angelou😊

Words can do so much for your soul. When you're a child you have big dreams, dreams that sometimes seem impossible to achieve. We tend to not see any speculations or negativity in that plan. We are pure and innocent at that phase. But looking into the future with new eyes, positive eyes as an adult, you are able to build ideas from your childhood and implement it into your adulthood. 

Anasia, the CEO of A plug magazine, began her business with a dream. She always loved writing, such as short stories and poems. She particularly loved reading magazines such as teen magazine. After graduating from Morgan State University she was inspired inspired by people from her College who were very artistic and creative. Everyone who she has came across inspired her. She really wanted to be the opposite of Opera, who had a magazine and a show.  By watching Opera growing up and watching her have different platforms for her business she knew she wanted to have her own platform but wasn't sure how she was going to began. 

Now as an adult, she is looking to support small businesses and connect with them. Being in a digital world, she figured that will be the easiest way to began her platform and build websites. With her creative spark turning during COVID19, the name "A plug magazine" stemmed from her initials combined together. In addition she is plugging people into other business. How cool is that!?

Everyday looks like a  busy day with her daughter and in her office, sharing promoting and encouraging, and writing articles. 

"It will not be easy to start a business, but don't give up, don't stop and persevere. Don't be scared to reach out for help and support! When its something you really want to do push through. Don't be afraid to ask for donations and support and put small change to the side to invest. Don't allow money to be the main thing to start. As long as your saving you will eventually reach your goal!"    -Anasia


  1. Wow its amazing how powerful words can be! I mean this person heard words from watching her favorite TV shows and teen magazines and grew up inspired to start her own business!

  2. This article is very informative and insightful. Great read.


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